Thursday, October 22, 2009


Ok, so I'm not starting out with the Shifing stories (that is how Nathan used to say 'fishing' when he was little), just some catch up, then the fishing stuff. Now, just a warning, if you are hoping to see Hayden . . . I actually don't have a picture of him for this post. Crazy, I know!

This is the sunset before a night of thunderstorms. You can't really tell from the picture but the clouds were kind of a greenish-yellow on the very edges. Kind of spooky.

Now, I posted some pictures of my crazy wavy/curly hair, so here it is straight. It is SO long! I'm not quite sure what to do about it. Heather, any suggestions?Yeah. Jess was taking pictures of me before work one day and kind of got carried away. I'm not self absorbed, in fact, I don't really like looking at those pictures, but I thought maybe my family, who I don't see often, would enjoy them.

Ok. This may not look like it, but this is a fishing picture. I just remember that Grammy K. used to have little animals made out of these plants and so when I saw them I had a flood of memories and wanted a picture to remember it by.
Michael B. (that's just what I call him these days) took me fishing on the Provo river on Thursday. He said I could pick the fishing spot, what a nice boy! This is the log that I picked to fish from, but then I moved up and down the bank a lot.
And another picture of the log. Yay for dead logs!
I just like scenery pictures, ok? This is looking back towards the mountains from the river bank.

See, I told you there were fish pictures! I caught a German Brown but I let it go. This is the Rainbow Trout that Michael B. caught and then, he let me gut it! I have to admit, gutting a fish is pretty satisfying. It kind of freaked me out when it started flopping around when I stuck my fingers into it, but Michael B. said it's normal and that the fish really was dead and couldn't feel any pain, so I just did it. I didn't really like cleaning out the kidneys. I didn't like the cracking feeling . . . ugh! I'd do it again though.

I remember when (my) Dad used to clean his fish and I always liked poking out the eyeballs. I'm not sure what that means about me psychologically.
And here is Michael B. holding his fish. I thought it was kind of funny because he was pretty chilly most of the morning and I wasn't. I think MAYBE aliens took over my body for the morning because I usually get pretty cold easily.
I packed a picnic lunch for the day and Miss Sherri Ann and I thought it would be funny if I brought champagne flutes to drink out of. We didn't find any good champagne flutes, but we did find these fun little cordial glasses! Michael B. was a good sport and drank almost a whole liter out of his glass. I had about three glasses and then gave up and drank from the water bottle.
I didn't bring my camera with me, so there aren't any pictures to prove that I'm telling the truth, but we also hiked to Stewart Falls which is up past Sundance. We took Hayden with us but, again, I have no pictures to prove it. When we got to the falls I thought it was kind of fun to stand a little behind them and get splashed. Then, since my feet were numb anyway, I crossed the stream and then crossed back over by going BEHIND THE WATERFALL!! (No Phouka. Sorry family) I got soaking wet and was laughing at Michael B. because he thought the water was too cold. His first words when I came out on the other side laughing "You crazy Vermontians!" Don't worry. I told him we're called Vermonters :D It was hard hiking back out b/c I had on jeans, and wet jeans are H-E-A-V-Y but I made it.

We went to my house and I changed into dry clothes and then went to Carrabba's for dinner. The service was NOT very good. I don't like that server, Landon. But the food was good. Then we went to my house and watched a movie.

I think sometimes a vacation day is a VERY good thing.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

Alyssa and I went shopping at the mall. We were both in a kind of bad mood. Apparently, this leads to the trying on of random accessories.A Tiara
Alyssa says she'll buy this one for me for my wedding day, if I ever get married.
Erica and I were driving to Wal-Mart and found this sign on a trash can. We're slightly confused, are they SELLING the dog or THROWING IT AWAY?
mmmmmmmmm. I still have a rash under my nose and I thought "oh, no! Maybe I'm not allergic to that medication I was taking" Then I saw this picture and remembered how bad that other rash on my face was. Thank goodness I got off of that stuff!
This semester I am doing "Student Research" which consists of helping my friend, Ally, find seeds in soil samples. Ally is holding up one soil sample, the boxes behind her are full of soil samples.
These boxes are also filled with soil samples.
This is what a soil sample looks like once I've sifted it. That little thing in the lower left corner is a seed.
Yeah, that tiny thing at the top of that picture.
Can you find the seed?
So far, I've found one. There are other people also looking for seeds. They've found NONE! That makes me the winner of the "find the first seed" contest.
Ahh. Nothing beats the Thai Village for Ricky's Birthday dinner! I think this year makes three years of going. We got to be seated upstairs this year b/c it was so busy and we had the dining room to ourselves . . . for about 3 minutes. Then an awkward couple on an early date (meaning they hadn't been out together much. We could tell because a) it was awkward and b) they were asking basic getting to know you questions) came in.
Honestly? Did you really think you would get through one of my blog posts without a picture of the Hayden Monkey? I think he's adorable when he's sleeping, except for that snore of his . . .

I've been growing my hair out. I have a ridiculous amount of it!
My friend, Mike, likes to go hiking. Sometimes, he goes without a buddy. He also told me he doesn't take water or snacks with him OR a mirror in case he gets lost! Not safe, Mike! I put together a hiking safety kit for him.
Here he is, opening it. Included in the kit are the following items:
  • A sewing kit (losing a button can be embarrassing and awkward, even in the woods)
  • Nail Clippers
  • 2 packs of Jelly Belly energy beans
  • A travel pack of WetOnes
  • A pack of Tissues
  • A bag of trail mix
  • A mini mirror (with two mirrors inside. He says now he can attract two rescue teams at one time!)
  • Two extra-strength, Rapid Release Tylenol
  • A first aid kit with one band-aid and some triple antibiotic ointment
  • A bottle of water
Ah, the Gordon-Carroll Family (minus the tag-along Jennifer) Clint, Ambrie and Shaeffer. Shaeffer will be turning one on Thanksgiving day. He's a big guy, which is good b/c we have a lot of love to give him.

Look at this kid! He's adorable!